Name: Audrey Gardener
Nicknames: Audie
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Date of Birth: November 3rd, 2021
Place of Birth: Striaton City, Unova
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
Hometown: Lumiose, Kalos
Current Residence: Currently Traveling with Cassandra
Traveling With: Cassandra
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Type: Audrey is somewhat athletic though she doesn't look as strong as she actually is.
Style: She usually wears purple and/or yellow but will often wear black or otherwise dark colored pants due to her habit of whipping her hands on her pants when she gets them dirty primarily from her working on stuff
Height: 5" 3
Medical Information
Handedness: Primarily Left
Eyesight: Farsighted
Disabilities: None
Injuries: Scar from an incident from when she was five on her back
Illnesses: Asthma
Blood type: B-
Allergies: Cream Cheese
Additional Info [&] Interests
Hobbies: Cooking, Baking, Working on things
Abilities: None
Fears: Fear of Pyroar, Most ghost type pokemon
Habits: Spacing out, Tapping her foot at a fast pace
Favorite Food(s) and Drinks: Banana Milk
Least Favorite Food(s) and Drinks: Candied almonds
Likes: Fixing most anything
Dislikes: Hot weather
Father: Cilan Gardener
Mother: Clemont Alarie
Adoptive Mother: Alain Sycamore
Aunt: Bonnie Alarie
Aunt (By marriage): Mairin Baran
Great-Grandfather Figure: Professor Louis Rowan
Grandfather: Meyer Alarie
Adoptive Grandfather: Augustine Sycamore
Adoptive Aunt: Sylvie Sycamore
Older Twin Brother: Adrien Gardener
Younger Adoptive Sister: Irene Sycamore
Younger Paternal Half-Sister: Cecilia Gardener
Younger Maternal Half-Brother: Ciel Alarie
Grandaunt Figure: Diantha Reiss
Grandaunt Figure: Cynthia Reiss
Paternal Uncle: Chili Gardener
Paternal Aunt (Via Marriage): Hilda Gardener
Paternal Cousin: Millicent "Millie" Gardener
Paternal Cousin: Cassandra Gardener
Paternal Uncle: Cress Gardener
Paternal Uncle (Via Marriage): Calem Xavier
Paternal Cousin: Lyne Xavier-Gardener
Paternal Cousin: Nathan Xavier-Gardener
Friends [&] other relationships
Best Friends: Cassandra
Relationship with Alain: Audrey has a close relationship with Alain viewing him as a second mother especially since he's been in her life since she was a few months old, Audrey greatly admires the work Alain does as a researcher.
When Audrey needs someone to talk to, especially if it's something she doesn't think she can tell Cilan or Clemont, Alain is almost always the one who she goes to.
Relationship with Augustine Sycamore: Audrey is somewhat close with Sycamore though they do have their differences, They both like historical movies and documentaries oftentimes this has led to Audrey racing home as soon as she finds out about any new movie or documentary.
Relationship with Cilan: Audrey is close with her dad, He even taught her how to cook, Though she is far closer with Clemont due to their shared interests.
Relationship with Clemont: Audrey is far closer with Clemont and oftentimes ends helping him at the gym, She's even began training to become a gym leader eventually.
Relationship with Bonnie : Though not as energetic as Bonnie, They're still close, Audrey even hangs out around her gym.
Relationship with Cecilia: Audrey is protective of Cecilia and the two of them are close.
Relationship with Adrien: Audrey and Adrien butt heads from time to time but generally get along, They don't generally hangout due to Adrien not traveling as a pokemon trainer.
Relationship with Irene: Audrey is really close with Irene and they even train together from time to time.
Relationship with Ciel: Audrey is close somewhat with Ciel though they do sometimes not get along due to Ciel's reckless behavior.
Relationship with Mairin: Audrey is very close with Mairin and was even babysat by her when she was younger.
- Audrey is a very caring individual though she can be pretty stubborn.
- Audrey is pretty tech savvy and she often tinkers with most anything she gets her hands on.
- Audrey is fairly quiet though she has a specific look she gives when she gets angry or annoyed.
- Audrey was originally going to have been born in Lumiose but after a bit of a change in timeline events she and Adrien were both born in Striaton City.
- When I first made Audrey, Before I even did her picrew beta design, She was originally going to have green hair like her dad and brother but I changed it so that at least one of Clemont's kids would be blonde like him, That and i thought she looked better being blonde.
Pokemon Preference: Electric Type and Steel Type Pokémon
Starter: Helioptile
Main Team
- Helioptile → Heliolisk ♂
- Pachirisu ♂
- Chinchou → Lanturn ♀
- Mawile ♀
- Ferroseed → Ferrothorn ♂
Other Pokemon
- Mareep → Flaaffy → Ampharos ♀
Character Songs